Prostopinije Ensemble
Sings PlainChant in St. George's Church Taylor, PA
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17. Litany of Supplication
18. Our Father
19. Otce Nas
20. Only One is Holy
21. Blessed is He
22. Praise the Lord
23. Receive the Body of Christ
24. O Son of God Accept Me Today
25. We have seen the True Light
26. Thanksgiving Hymn
27. Blessed be the Name
28. A New Commandment
29. Do Not Forsake Us
30. You are the God   (English & Slavonic)
31. Mnohaja Lit
32. Many Years
1. Ton Despotin
2. Litany of Peace
3. Sunday Antiphons
4. Hymn of Incarnation
5. Third Antiphon (Beatitudes)
6. Entrance Hymn
7. Resurrection Tropar Tone 2
8. Svjati Boze
9. Alleluia
10. Cherubic Hymn
11. After the Great Entrance
12. The Creed
13. Anaphora
14. Holy, Holy, Holy
15. We Praise You
16. You are Truly Deserving